Filmul Billion Star Hotel ajunge in Albania

Balkan Film Food Festival este cel mai important eveniment cultural organizat in orasul Pogradec din Albania. Iata cateva informatii legate de festivalul la care echipa BSH va participa in perioada 1-5 August 2016:

The Balkan Film Food Festival is not a festival only about Food and Culinary. The Balkan Film Food Festival is about Balkan Film Production. The Festival intent is to create a climate of understanding of friendship and collaborations among Balkan countries. All guests sit on a common table and taste our common Balkan culinary drink the same wine.
This Balkan Festival is a good chance to get acquainted with the best cinema achievements of recent times.
We are 60 million Balkan people and still we don’t know one another well enough.
An exchange of experiences could be part of meetings and debate among filmmakers during the festival days.
Cuisine is part of this event and it aims at having better friendly contacts among the participants.
This festival could also be a start for possible co-productions between Albania and other Balkan countries, as it recently was between Greece and Turkey (A touch of spice, dir. Tassos Boulmetis , Greek-Turkish co-production.)

Why in Pogradec?

Historically that area it is known for its commercial routes among Balkan countries in the centuries as Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia and Albania since the Ottoman Empire.
Water border frontiers which somehow are meaningless among Albania Greece and Macedonia is the clue to organize such Festival in Pogradec as a sign of Cohabitation Respect and Understanding among the Balkan Countries.
Also the city of Pogradec is the setting for a good number of Albanian features.
It is also a town of rich art loving traditions and can meet the requirements and infrastructure for such festival.
Late August to early September period coincides with the end of the touring season, so the presence of the tourists will increase the attention of public. This is a suitable time for outdoor evening screenings as a magic part of the movie life.
The festival is the biggest cultural event of the city!

more info here: