Filmul romanesc Billion Star Hotel a mai adaugat doua selectii in portofoliul festivalurilor internationale: South-East European Film Festival, aflat la cea de-a 6-a editie. Festivalul se va desfasura in 2 mari orase ale lumii:in perioada 26-29 Mai 2016 in Berlin, Germania si in perioada 1-5 Iunie 2016 in Paris, Franta.
Iata cateva informatii despre festival, preluate de pe website-ul oficial:
SEE a Paris is a dedicated attempt of all the twelve South-East European countries to create a special contribution to the cultural unification of Europe as our common home. Dante Alighieri declared Paris to be the “universal spiritual heritage”; Jean Monnet said that if Europe was to be built again, it should definitely start with the culture, and Nicolas Bouvier wrote that “the Balkan is the heart of Europe” in his magnificent book “L’usage du mond”. Therefore, starting this April and following every spring in the future, this heart of Europe shall pulsate in Paris through the films of the SEE cinema.
The Council of the SEE FF in Paris is consisted of 15 members, 12 of which are directors of national film centers or film funds. The Council includes Yves Boisset- President d’honneur, who is a French director and eminent connoisseur of films from the SEE region, Jordan Plevnes- President and founder of the Festival and internationally reputed Macedonian writer.
The festival program includes feature films, documentaries, animated and short films from all 12 SEE countries. Every festival edition one of the regional festivals from SEE countries will have presentation during the SEE a Paris.
The 6th edition of the South-East European Film Festival “SEE Film Festival”, will be organized from 26 to 29 May 2016 in Berlin, Germany (SOE in Berlin), from 1 to 5 June 2016 in Paris, France (SEE a Paris) and from 8 to 15 June 2016 in Ningbo, China (CEE in Ningbo).
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