This year’s music section of the International Digital Transilvania Festival comes with an unconventional location, which openes its doors for the first time and it’s called BARAKA. It is located in the former military base (barracks) UM 542, Targu Mures. The two parties will take place on Friday, June 20, 2014 (Electronic nightlong) and Saturday June 21, 2014 (Funky Night).

The two evenings include a varied program where music lovers will find their place easily. You can find below some details regarding the artists.

PS: Admission is free.

Sectiunea de muzica din cadrul festivalului international Digital Transilvania propune in acest an o locatie neconventionala, care isi deschide in pemiera portile, sub numele de BARAKA. Locatia se afla in fosta unitate militara (cazarma) U.M. 542, Targu Mures. Cele 2 petreceri se vor desfasura in zilele de vineri 20 iunie 2014 (Electronic NightLong) si sambata 21 iunie 2014 (Funky Night).

Cele 2 seri contin un program diversificat, unde pasionatii de muzica se vor regasi usor. Detalii legate de artistii invitati, puteti gasi mai jos.






Born and razed in the city of Timisoara in the country called Romania the person that became Drummer found his connection with music at an early age and has been developing and improving it ever since, first as a listener after some time as a Dj and in the passing years even as a producer expressing himself in many events some of witch being placed in the distinct company of other national and international artists on various scenes and nice studios generating and twisting the music and letting it spread to as many souls as it can reach, and if this text is touching your eyes as the music is touching your soul please drop by and say Hi.




“Biografia se adresează strict ochiului și eu nu cu asta ma ocup, dar în schimb ma ocup cu lucruri care se adresează urechilor, din aceasta cauza consider ca biografia mea se conturează singura prin muzica mea.” – Drummer

Pasiunea lui pentru muzica incepe de mic când lucrează în magazinul de casete al unui prieten iar daca vorbim de stilul muzical abordat de Drummer, acesta este greu de definit fiind un mix intre Techno, Minimal, Dub in unele momente mergand chiar spre experimental, dar un lucru e sigur, o seara petrecuta ascultând muzica lui va părea tot timpul prea scurta.







Chriss remembers his first contact with electronic music when he was only 11 year old as being fascinating. and this fascination made him search for music and eventually play it in clubs. When he turned 18 he got his first residency at a local club in Timisoara. Here he gets the chance to play with some known Romanian djs and also defines his style, now he plays a little house, a little jackin’ and a little deep, all mixed together and with a friendly vibe to it..but the music that really defines him as an artist, can only be found in his future releases that he’s working on right now.




Cristian isi aminteste primul contact cu muzica electronica ca a venit la varsta de 11 ani, fiind de-a dreptul fascinat la varsta aceea. La 18 ani isi incepe oficial cariera de dj cand devine rezident in clubul Trend din Timisoara. Aici are ocazia sa mixeze alaturi de mai multi dj consacrati ai vremii de la care invata multe lucruri si in timp isi defineste stilul muzical. Inca de la inceput el e atras de muzica ritmata si complexa iar azi isi defineste stilul ca un aranjament personal de house, jackin house si deep dar muzica care il chiar defineste pe Chriss Zahary se va regasi doar in viitoarele sale productii la care lucreaza acum.




Monkey Nights Tuesday from 22:00 –




Fuzzy aka. Philip Cristina, was born in Mangalia on April 19, 1987. Passion for music came from childhood, having access to music with her father who traveled the world bringing them underground music CDs which then was difficult purchased. At age 14 had a proposal from a dj that area to join him to play music in a summer club May 2, first contact with the players and mixer, three years in a row flirting with this little play that had meaning to her life but still not aware. During this time she attended a singing school for 3 years and with the vocal.


In 2006 they moved to Bucharest, being very fascinated by how music has grown and linking the past, decides to give him a sense of his passion for music where they commence dj so accumulate seven years of experience in clubs and

Silver Afterhours, Mash Up, Violette, Hall Music, Traian 42, Glow, For You, Fat Cat, Oxygen, Colors [Bucharest], Zebra, West End [Bacau] Backstage, The Rock (Slatina) Relax [Paşcani ] Casttle (Galati), Vanguards, Elements, Strawinsky, Tabo [Craiova], Hooligans (Targoviste), Attic (Bucharest) Aloha Lounge (Bucharest) where he shared booth with Melo_Dee, Zotist, Miss I, Adrian Eftimie, Arapu , Kozo, Funk E, Oliviu, Lady Bianca (London), DEY, Dubphone, Sublee, labeling, and many others.

The style adopted is  techno, dark techno, minimal.




Fuzzy aka. Filip Cristina, s-a născut în Mangalia pe 19 aprilie 1987. Pasiunea pentru muzică a venit de pe vremea copilariei, avand acces la muzica cu ajutorul tatalui ei care calatorea in toata lumea aducandu-i cduri cu muzica underground ceea ce pe vremea aceea era mai greu de achizitionat .La varsta de 14 ani a avut o propunere de la un dj din zona aceea sa i se alature sa puna muzica intr-un club de vara din 2 Mai ,avand contact prima oara cu playere si mixer , 3 ani la rand cochetand cu aceasta mica joaca care avea un sens in viata ei dar inca nu constientiza. In acest timp ea a urmat si o scola de canto timp de 3 ani avand si abilitati vocale.


În 2006 se mută în București , fiind foarte fascinata de modul in care muzica a luat amploare si facand legatura in trecut , se hotareste sa-i dea un sens pasiunii sale pentru muzica unde isi începe activitatea de dj astfel că acumulează 7 ani de experiență in cluburi precum

Silver Afterhours, Mash Up ,Violette, Hala De Muzica ,Traian 42, Glow, For You,Fat Cat , Oxigen ,Colors ,[București], Zebra, West End [Bacău], Backstage, The Rock (Slatina) , Relaxa [Pașcani], Casttle (Galati) ,Avangarde, Elements, Strawinsky, Tabo [Craiova],, Hooligans (Targoviste), Mansarda (Bucuresti) , Aloha Lounge (Bucuresti) unde a împărțit pupitrul cu Melo_Dee, Zotist, Miss I, Adrian Eftimie, Arapu, Kozo, Funk E, Oliviu, Lady Bianca (Londra), Deysa ,Dubphone , Sublee , Epitet şi mulţi alţii.

Stilul adoptat este  techno , techno-dark , minimal .







Fehervari Tamas alias dj Tom, or more commonly on records known under the name of “ToMM”, is a producer/dj/event manager from Targu-Mures, a small and futureless town in Romania.

Having a dream and realizing it in time is only limited by our will. I had the will, the idea and the dream to become a Dj, as at that time when i started i could number them on one of my hand. It was at the age of 15 when i first started playing warmup sets at a local club, since then all major clubs from my town followed.

I started my own studio back in 2010 now grown to an all purpose recording studio that features synths form Korg, Waldorf, Yamaha, Controllers, Compressors, EQ’s, Guitars, preamps, and a double monitor PowerMac G5 Quad with Logic 9.

My first record was released on FaxSide Records (2010), followed by Crossair Records (2010), Hero in My Hood Label “under the alias of dj Tom” (2010), and this year finally my best kept songs will be released on Trick Track Records this summer.

For bookings /requests /remixes /demos /any ideas please don’t hesitate to contact me on this official artist page.




Fehérvári Tamás cunoscut sub numele de dj, Tom si ca producator de muzica sub numele de TOMM, muzica electronica pentru el reprezinta o stare de spirit cu influente din anii copilariei care a fost marcat de sound-ul genialului concept de viata numit LoveParade. Clasificarea genului muzical nu s-ar putea face dupa cateva criterii impuse standard deoarece majoritatea setului cuprinde remixuri facute de el, ca de obicei exclusiv setului propriu.

10 ani de existenta ca si dj activ si tot atata ca si producator inseamna o experienta demna de ascultat intr-un set special format dintr-un liveact si dj set special pentru Digital Transylvania









This dj/producer can cut and scratch hip hop samples in his sleep. With a Multimedia Design degree at the Arts and Design University of Timisoara, he develops a wider area of expressing thru music, with his electronic/hip-hop/chill trap dj sets, and various music productions.His first album is about to be realeased at the end of this year.




Acest Dj/producator poate mixa ritmuri hip hop chiar si in somn. Cu o experienta in multimedia design, obtinuta la Universitatea de Arta si Design din Timisoara,  OG Michael acopera o arie mare de exprimare prin muzica, folosind in set-urile sale genuri de muzica precum electronic/hip-hop/chill trap. Primul album al artistului va fi lansat la sfarsitul acestui an.





Raul H is always looking for new rhythm in his dj sets. But he always returns to retro funk and swing style.




Raul H cauta mereu ritmuri noi. Dar se intoarce mereu la retro funk si ceva swing.






Image and sound of Dj Eko is a concept that has its grounds from Stefan Ostafi’s ambivalent passion on music and visuals.

Captivated by electronic music and fascinated by the psychotropic effect of visuals, Dj Eko establishes an audio-visual connection meant to introduce throughout this double frequency , the dose of ecstasy that you need.

DV8, Underground Space and the WEB are the four bases that form the Dj Eko genetic code. With a professional history that dates back to the early 21st century, highlighted by collaborations with Synthplants, Iarmaroc Fest,, JijiEvent, Infinity Events, Lolipop Events, 2step Events,Dance Camp Events,Trancenet Events, GhostTown Events, Selectro, Bass Turbat , the 2009 and 2010 nominations in the Awards Nights within the section “Best VJS”, was taken in early 2011 as the official VJ of R.O.A.’s band.

He played alongside Tremour, Dj Val, Sharky, Dj Vasile, Rolf, Gojira, Dan O, Fane la Platane, NotSoCommon Dj. The approached styles are Retro & Funk, Electro, Trance, Funky & Dnb.





Image and sound of Dj Eko este un concept ce are la origini ambivalenta pasiune a lui Stefan Ostafi asupra domeniului muzical si a celui vizual.

Captivat de muzica electronica si fascinat de efectul psihotrop al elementelor vizuale, Dj Eko stabileste un racord audio – vizual menit sa introduca pe aceasta dubla frecventa doza de extaz de care ai nevoie.

DV8,Underground, Space si WEB sunt cele 4 baze ce formeaza codul genetic DJ Eko. Cu un istoric profesional ce dateaza de la inceputul secolului, materializat prin colaborari cu Synthplants, Iarmaroc Fest,, JijiEvent, Infinity Events, Lolipop Events, 2step Events,Dance Camp Events,Trancenet Events, GhostTown Events, Selectro, Bass Turbat si nominalizari in 2009 respectiv 2010 in cadrul Nights Awards la sectiunea “Cel mai bun VJ”, a fost cooptat la inceputul anului 2011 ca Vj Oficial al formatiei R.O.A.

A mixat alaturi Tremour, Dj Val, Sharky, Dj Vasile, Rolf, Gojira, Dan O, Fane la Platane, NotSoCommon Dj . Stilurile pe care le abordează sunt Retro & Funk, Electro,Trance, Funky & Dnb






EN :


Real name :Buzdugan Andrei Dorin. I started beatboxing in 2009 when I first saw some videos with Beardyman and Dub Fx. I liked what they we’re doing with the beatbox-looping thing and I decided that this is what I wanna do in life.Live music.




Nume real: Buzdugan Andrei Dorin. Am inceput sa practic arta beatbox-ului in 2009 cand am dat de Beardyman si Dub Fx pe Youtube. Mi-a placut ce vad si am decis ca asta vreau sa fac de acum incolo. Tot prin intermediul lor am descoperit “looping-ul” si am decis ca asta vreau sa fac in viata.






Vlad Flueraru, in short, a rapper from Targu-Mures. That made for about 2 years and still going; tend to believe that the circumstances will be favorable in the near future because it’s time they go “Shadow”. Currently working on my first album early whose name I mentioned earlier quotation marks.

It actually started in 2010 when we discovered DAW’s, the one you use now as Fruity Loops Studio. I tried several musical genres (house, minimal, techno, dnb, dubstep) and came to the conclusion that it’s hard on hip-hop. Fortunately for my own experience, I was invited to sing on stage at Silver Church’s mixtape launch of delirium. That was definitely my greatest achievement. Otherwise, I’m so glad I was invited to play in my town openings. Definitely want to do this next. Mark Twain once said to build your future head because you’ll spend the rest of my life there. That’s what I thought.




Vlad Flueraru, pe scurt, un rapper din Targu-Mures. Asta fac de aproximativ 2 ani si inca merge treaba; tind sa cred ca imprejurarile vor fi mai favorabile in viitorul apropiat caci acum e momentul in care ies “Din umbra”. Lucrez momentan la primul meu album incipient al carui nume l-am mentionat intre ghilimele anterior.

Totul a inceput de fapt in 2010, cand am descoperit DAW-urile, cel pe care il folosesc acum fiind Fruity Loops Studio. Am probat mai multe genuri muzicale (house, minimal, techno, dnb, dubstep) si am ajuns la concluzia ca e mai tare pe hip-hop. Din fericire pentru propria-mi experienta am fost invitat sa cant pe scena la Silver Church la lansarea mixtape-ului lui Deliric. Asta a fost cu siguranta cea mai mare realizare a mea. In rest, ma bucur mult ca am fost invitat si in orasul meu sa cant in deschideri. Cu siguranta vreau sa fac asta in continuare. Mark Twain a spus odata sa-ti construiesti viitorul cu cap caci acolo iti vei petrece restul vietii. Asta am de gand.